Love is in the Air
Holiday Backdrops
Newborns & Maternity
Newborns & Maternity

Here is a look back at 2022...
THANK YOU to my all my clients!!

Ownership, Copyright and Print Release &
Raw Images VS. Jpeg Images
Ownership, Copyright and Print Release &
Raw Images VS. Jpeg Images
Photos and images are intellectual property.
As such, photo ownership starts and almost always stays with the photographer.
“Hiring” a photographer doesn't change the ownership. ...
The photographer may grant you an unlimited license for these photos, but legal ownership stays with the photographer.
Copyright is a property right. Under the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographs are protected by copyright from the moment of creation. According to the U.S. Copyright Office, the owner of the “work” is generally the photographer or, in certain situations, the employer of the photographer.
Raw Images VS. Jpeg or Original Images
RAW is a file format that captures all image data recorded by the sensor when you take a photo. ... Because no information is compressed with RAW you're able to produce higher quality images, as well as correct problem images that would be unrecoverable if shot in the JPEG format.
As a client you will NEVER receive a raw image from me. All images are adjusted, such as correct lighting and blemish removal, and will come as a jpeg images to a online gallery.
COVID-19 Cares & Concerns
COVID-19 Cares & Concerns
Studio Sessions will be for imitate family only,
and only families with up to 6 people allowed in the studio at one time due to distancing.
Now masks are required to and from the studio in The Square Building.
Outdoor sessions are now limited to 20 people in an area due to the Governors new state address.
If for any reason you feel sick or may have been in contact with someone who has been exposed to Covid-19, you need to please reschedule.
If I show up to a session and there is anyone sick,
I will will reschedule the appointment for the safety of my family.
THANK YOU to my all my clients !!
THANK YOU to my all my clients !!

MAD Studios Photography & Design
Strives to give you a unique photography experience, from themed sessions, to super mini sessions.
Affordable photos on any budget.
Making Memories
Making Memories

Melissa Dearth
Melissa Dearth
I have had a passion for photography since I was a child. This led me to work for several years in the photography business in Great Falls before I decided to take a leap of faith and open my own studio, but my family had to experience a tragedy first.
MAD Studios Photography & Design is named and dedicated to our Angel baby Marlee Anne Dearth, after her passing, taking photos was the only thing that kept me going, so it only made sense to me to honor her with my passion.
Every session I take I put my whole heart into, and for that session you are my family, and I'm Creating Memories to Last a Lifetime.

Studio Located in The Time Square Building
525 Central Ave. Suite U-5 2nd Floor
By Appointment ONLY call to set yours up!!!
Studio Located in The Time Square Building
525 Central Ave. Suite U-5 2nd Floor
By Appointment ONLY call to set yours up!!!